New Pulse Training Partnership site now live
We were contacted by Pulse when the current website designers couldn’t deliver on the customer request. The site wasrunning poorly, and the functionality they required wasn’t there. Pulse training required a booking system for their training courses, and a completely new website design to freshen things up.
The previous website designers had been on the project 12 months and still not delivered. We stepped in and within 7 days they had their new website up and running, furthermore with all the functionality they wanted.
They required a system that they could take online bookings as well as phone bookings, a system that would stop the courses from being over subscribed, a search system that allowed the customer to find exactly what they wanted by selecting the course title and either the training location or month.
The customer was very specific on how the site was to look, and we worked with them to achieve exactly what they wanted.
Take a look at their new site, again they have the benefits of the visual builder, so they can keep all their content up to date.